The fuzz bucket is back, so all's well at the G-home!
We laughed when we realized the first thing he did was mosey into the bathroom, tip over the wicker wastebasket, and shred the kleenexes that I purposely left in there for him. One cannot help but wonder what goes on in their minds, how they plot their shenanigans, and how they sneak away to accomplish their tricks.
The boyfriend had a dental appointment this morning, and I stayed back to welcome the fuzzy one. It's a good day. I took all the fresh veggies from the fridge and created a one-of-a-kind casserole for supper. My boyfriend bought a dozen ears of sweetcorn from a farmer selling sweetcorn from the back of his pickup at Casey's. Can't wait to smear on some real butter and sprinkle with sea salt. Yeee-Yumm!