Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Don't ask me how two flies managed to get inside our home this morning, but they quickly met their demise upon my getting out of bed.  One thing we don't and can't tolerate is a frickin' fly.  I'd imagine they came inside when we opened the door to go outside.  Which makes me wonder who invented the flyswatter......

Googled to get the answer.....In 1905, Frank Rose of Weir, Kansas (pop. 780), a Boy Scout master, nailed squares of screen wire to wooden yardsticks and called them 'fly bats.'  His troop presented two to each household, a deed that was applauded by Dr. Samuel Crumbine, head of the Kansas State Board of Health, who re-named them 'flyswatters.' 

I'm not sure if I feel much smarter than before I got this answer, but common sense would tell me I know something I didn't know before, so that means I am. 

It's a glorious day, the sun is shining, all is well.  The boyfriend got up before me.  Sleeping late is such a luxury for me, I dread the day someone wakes me up at 5 in the morning when I'm living in a rest home.  Perish that thought!  I most likely will kick and scream until I'm put in solitary confinement or some other nasty consequence is fitting for a spunky one like me.  

We're not cooking meals today, cuz the garden has given us cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, a pepper and so it's salad day.  For supper last night, we each had a divine California Burger with a slice of red onion, tomatoes, the works.  There's always the banter between us about the mustards.  I'm the proponent of the hearty stone ground mustard that's made by grinding brown mustard seeds with water and vinegar until it becomes coarse textured.  The boyfriend maintains his preference for the stuff that looks like calf poop.  It's a 55-year disagreement, and neither of us will budge.  

On Facebook this morning I was shocked to see a photograph example of the amount of sugar that's in ketchup.  In my opinion, life wouldn't be worth living without ketchup.  My mom even made homemade ketchup, and I'd probably give up my favorite coffee cup to have a jar of it right now.  Another one of those things we don't appreciate until years later when we realize it can never be more than a memory.

I'm a condiment person, the boyfriend is not.  I like to jazz up my foods, while he feels that only masks the real flavor of the food.  Can't disagree with that, yet I want to experience all the flavors possible.  One thing life gave me is overactive taste buds.  Food is central to my existence, and it's quite obvious.  Oh, well, I consider myself lucky.  Then I feel sad when I think of those who are starving in the world.  

Boy, my brain is going in lotsa directions this morning.  One more yippee before I close.....little Fud Bud is arriving tomorrow to stay with us for a few days.  That little bugger lifts my heart to happy places.

Till the morrow, ta-ta.