A week dripped down the drain since my last post. Wish I had a reason that I could share. Maybe it can be summed up in two words: sad heart. There are things happening that cause me to say that. Three people who are dear to my heart are going through times of suffering. My only available assistance is personal prayer and a heart full of love. We each walk a road that's made of both sharp shards of glass and smooth glass. There are times of joy and times of sorrow.
My Tao readings give me support and offer me new insights to the thing called acceptance. If one can learn to accept things as they come, go with the flow of life's river, then we benefit from what they call Divine grace. And, that's what I'm trying to do. No matter how high things go up, we know they will come back down. It's the cycle of life in everything, even the sun and the moon rise and set. It's not easy to think of life having a departure date, yet we all have one. Doesn't matter if we're an oil tycoon from Dubai or a homeless person sleeping on unfolded newspapers.
So, on with today's thoughts. All's well in our little corner. The boyfriend spent Saturday with his brother's family, while I stayed back and watched the plants grow. I'm watching a daily vlog from Japan where a little girl eats her supper every day. She is stubborn, and her daddy dotes on her every whim. Don't ask me why I watch it daily, but I must see if she ever will get disciplined. Parental enabling is not something my generation experienced.
Our area was blessed with over an inch of rain. Even heard thunder and a bit of lightning. Music to my ears.
My July newsletter article is finished and submitted to the editor. This month I wrote about the sweet grass basket that we recently received from someone special. Everything has a story if you go look for it.
Our little fuzz bucket is returning on Wednesday. His stay will be only over the weekend, but will give me time to have a shot of my canine cocaine!
Today's sky is filled with huge whipped cream clouds. Makes me think of chocolate syrup and caramel syrup and chopped pecans!
It's good to be back. The days I don't write there's something missing in my world. Writing is my passion. One of them. Till the morrow, I pray my followers have a day of smiles. Ta-ta.