Saturday, January 18, 2025


Today's spotlight shines on the Clown Trigger fish that's found on reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific, from East Africa's tropical coast in the Indian Ocean to the shores of Samoa in the Central Pacific.

A popular aquarium fish because of their vibrant and unique exterior. On the bottom half of the body are somewhat circular large white polka dots.  The lips are bright yellow with a white line circling the small mouth behind the lips.  Notice the white stripe right below the hidden eyes and the one on the tail.  And the leopard-like patch of yellow with small black dots around the dorsal fin.  Why is this fish called a clown trigger?  Cuz it looks like how a clown paints his face and the way a clown might dress.

Clown Trigger Fish
Their teeth never stop growing.  They have teeth in the front of the mouth with another set of teeth behind them, along with grinding teeth in the throat.  All of these teeth, along with a strong jaw, allow the Clown Trigger Fish to consume hard-shelled foods.

The deep sea is the largest museum on earth. 
 It contains more history than all the museums on land combined,
 and yet we're only now penetrating it.
  ~Robert Ballard