Monday, January 20, 2025


Boho Art (Bohemian Art) a free-spirited, eclectic style of art that celebrates individuality and nature.  It is characterized by a mix of colors, textures and patterns, often incorporating natural materials and vintage this.....

Do you remember back in the '60s, when the hippies painted the VW buses?  

Hippie VW Bus
The VW bus became a symbol of their counterculture movement, representing freedom, rebellion against mainstream society, and the desire for self-expression.  It was a way for them to visually express their values and lifestyle. The buses were nicknamed Tin Can or Breadloaf cuz they resembled a loaf of bread.   

Because of its shape, the bus became a symbol of defiance against the major auto manufacturers of North America that were shifting into the muscle-car era in the 50s and 60s.

The gypsy in me loves the unconventional style, especially the painted vintage furniture.  I've seen ordinary wooden vintage chairs that were painted boho style, and all I could think, I'd love to go home and try painting a chair like that! 

I must whisper that I really like the Boho peasant skirts and loose-fitting blouses.  I won't risk my marriage by wearing a long hippie-like dress.  Wouldn't be worth it....but I'd sure like to!  It feels kinda mischievous to chamber secret silly wishes like this for the heck of it.
The opposite of Bo-Ho would be the classic style which is more structured, traditional and adheres to established design principles.  Even though I was raised to conform and embrace all rules, great and small,  I'd rather take the Bohemian path.  
I recently watched a movie where a lady was talking about the set of paints she got for Christmas when she was a kid.  She loved them so much she even painted the cat.