Cobalt blue connects one to nature--the sky and the waters--and to the heavenly realm as we can only imagine it. Stained-glass windows illustrate not only lights and colors that make up our world, but also speak to the beauty and light within every person and situation. There is a Zen saying that every moment, even the most painful, has some kind of beauty.....even if it's the simple fact that we are connected to all others who are in pain. Seeing beauty isn't about denying the existence of pain and suffering. Rather, it's about striving to focus on the good, the positive and the beautiful no matter what. It's a way for us to change the ordinary into extraordinary.
The Japanese have a word for finding beauty in imperfections: wabi-sabi. Rather than find faults in cracks, tears and other imperfections, the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi encourages us to appreciate that nothing is perfect or permanent.