Monday, January 13, 2025


Today's feature fish is named after the famous painter, Pablo Picasso, cuz its unique markings resemble the brushstrokes on a canvas.  

Picasso Trigger Fish
Because of the shape of its fins, this species can swim forward, backward and hover in place.  The "trigger" in Trigger Fish comes from their dorsal spine, which raises when startled.  If the fish is hiding in a small space, the spine acts as a wedge to hold them in place.  The Picasso Trigger Fish can be found in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and the Red Sea.  Most commonly it is found around Hawaii, Polynesia and the Philippines.  They grow from 8 to 20 inches long and are fiercely territorial.

Who knew that a fish was named after Picasso?  It's totally coincidental that we not long ago spent time learning about Picasso's works.....and here we are learning about an ocean fish named after him.  Didn't have a clue 'til now. 

In Hawaii, this fish is called the Humuhumunukunukuapua........pronounced HOO-moo-HOO-moo-NOO-koo-NOO-koo-AH-poo-AH-ah.  To top it off, it's the official State Fish of Hawaii.