Friday, August 11, 2023

Yesterday afternoon I took down my hanging petunia plant and trimmed the dead spots with scissors.  Then gave it a good dose of Miracle Gro.  It's like one last chance.  This morning it looks perkier, and the hummingbirds have been putting their little beaks in the blossoms.  

Am told that we got 3/8" of rain about 4 a.m.  Never heard the thunder.  Drat.  Every drop of moisture is a gift these dry days.  

Aren't the wildfires in Maui awful?  Our nephew and his family are in Honolulu.  The minute I heard about the fires I texted him to see if they were okay.  The miracles of technology allowed us to communicate within a minute, and he said they weren't on Maui.  The destruction and deaths are catastrophic, according to the news.  I'm wondering if the smoke has affected their vacation, or if the winds carried it away from where they are.  

The sun is shining.  Think I'll finish the second wind-spinner that I crocheted the other day.  I used colors that I don't particularly care for, and can't wait to see what it looks like when it spins in the wind.  I used orange for autumn.  

The boyfriend's garden is producing gorgeous tomatoes, and they're insanely delicious.  He's been making my Mom's recipe for refrigerator sliced cucumbers.  You take 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of sugar, bring to a boil.  Let cool and then pour over thinly sliced cucumbers and sliced onions.  

Have submitted my monthly newsletter article.  This time I decided to write trivia.  Searched the internet for unusual facts that will hopefully be of interest to the Venny family.  Now I've gotta start thinking of something for the September edition.  Gives my mind something to think about.  What's the saying?  Life isn't as serious as the mind makes it out to be.