Saturday, August 12, 2023

In ten minutes, at 10 a.m., I've got myself programmed to go in the kitchen and bake a loaf of cranberry-orange bread.  Cuddy's daddy is celebrating a special birthday this afternoon, and we're invited.  What do you give a man for his birthday?  I say food.  I know he likes the bread, cuz I've made it for him before.

Today's blog will be short.  Two of my second cousins passed away.  So far in the last five months I've lost my brother, my non-biological brother, two girl second cousins and Cuddy.  If I remember correctly, the odd-numbered years hold heartache and pain, more than the even numbered years.  That's probably a silly superstition, as all superstitions are.  

It's a sunny day.  Have quite a bit to do here before heading out to the party at 3 o'clock.  I personally look like something that was dug up out of the ground, so getting "fixed up" is gonna be a challenge.  Don't have a clue what to wear.  Wish I could wear a mask to hide my tear-streaked face.  Sometimes I think we feel worse than we look.  Don't know.  

Every day the world and the people in it manage to baffle me.  I expect people to act like in the past, and that's just not gonna happen.  A new culture has come out of nowhere, and we're left to sink or swim in it.  Personally, I'm treading water right now and think I might be drowning.  

Gotta get my bread in the oven and start putting together a plan for the afternoon.  Wish I could throw a bed sheet over me and let everybody at the party wonder who's under it!   

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my dear Alice. My heart hurts for you. To lose a sister like Mary Ann must feel like half of you died left with her. Please know that I'm always here for you to cry with, laugh with, talk with, or be silent with. Maybe you and I can be Soul Sisters, an elevation from cousins. I think about you and pray for you. You say it so well....we must show our love for those we hold dear to our heart. I write this message for all to read, only because your feelings need to be shared, and you need to know that others care about the emptiness that's in your heart. Keep in close touch through FB, email, and here. Crying is good, don't hold back tears. I'm a crier, and it does help. Me
