Monday, August 7, 2023

The sound of lawnmowers buzzing across the lawn has me wondering if mowing is such a wise idea, considering our lack of rain. 

Have been away from my blog platform once again for a few days.  We've had invitations, some we were able to accept and some postponed because of prior plans.  Think it's time for us to stay put for a while.  

My hanging petunia plant is gradually showing its age.  Time is here for summer to switch places with fall, when the greens and pastels give way to the browns, oranges and golds.  We took a day trip with friends last week, and the Golden Rod was blossoming, which is a definite sign of autumn.  The Black Eyed Susans were just beautiful.  Picture-taking is so much fun now that we have our iPhones.  

Black-eyed Susan flowers are symbols of encouragement and motivation.  They are a symbol of encouragement to stay on a path of well-being and pursue what is best for us.

Flowers are the music
of the ground.
From Earth's lips
Spoken without sound.
~Edwin Curran