Thursday, August 10, 2023


Yesterday afternoon we received word that our precious love bug, Cuddy, passed away in his sleep.  I keep wondering how one's heart can be broken so many times and still keep beating. 
 Dale took down the fence around the balcony that we put up for Cuddy's safety.  It was a constant reminder, and one has to do all things possible to be okay.  I am a mess, my face is wet, and my heart hurts as if I was shot by a cannon ball.  

Remember me talking about our wren house?  Well, yesterday Dale realized it was filled with wasps.  We didn't realize it cuz the bird house was tucked back of the hanging petunia plant.  He got out the wasp spray, and we tied the house in a plastic bag to throw away.  Just have to accept the fact that wrens do not care to live by us.

Now, I must learn to live without Cuddy in my life.  My saving thought is that my Emma reached out for Cuddy's paw, and she pulled him up to heaven where she can take care of him.  Lord knows, she'll protect him, cuz she's a terrorist and isn't afraid of protecting those she loves.  I know this first hand.


  1. Thinking of you guys ❤️!! Robin

  2. My heart is full of sadness for your loss! Hugs to you both. Much love, Newton

  3. Thank you, Robin. I know you understand.

  4. Newton, thank you for your caring words.

  5. So much sadness in the world and our own backyards. I know how much those furry critters can mean to a body. Our daughters Thomas is one of those (I'm not the biggest dog lover) but he melts our hearts. He got sick a week ago on a weekend and she had to find a vet that was open. Thankfully he will be okay because I don't know what anyone could have done to console her had it been a bad outcome. He is her life. So, I know how important they can be to a person. Hugs to you.

  6. We will never know how a fuzzy little 15 pound thing can weigh so much on our hearts. Life hurts more and more the older we get.
