Must get myself back on track after being derailed by the loss of Cuddy. On top of that, two of my girl second cousins passed away, one on the paternal side of our clan and one on the maternal side. Seems dying is coming at me from all directions.
I'm not writing about me in this post, but rather about those along with me who are filled with sorrow. It comes to us in waves, and sometimes those waves seem to overpower us to the point of despair. One step follows another, one breath follows another, and that is how life must be lived until the sorrow consumes our grief and helps heal in microscopic measures.
More and more, the older we get, we must care for one another. We are all losing more loved ones because of illness and natural span of life. It's all inevitable, there isn't one thing we can do except endure it all.
It baffles me how callous humanity has become. Why can't every one of us realize that pain and suffering is the one commonality among us. Instead of this godforsaken bickering, belittling and bullying, why can't we just try to understand and make okay with the simple fact that every single one of us 8 billion humans are different, think differently, feel differently, act differently, talk differently, look differently and choose to live differently.
If we tell one person every day that we love them, we are doing our part to bring peace to the planet. All the activists in the world aren't contributing that much to any one of their supposed causes. It takes down-to-earth compassion to get the job done. There are many ways of loving. There's family love, romantic love, friendship love, neighborly love, and simple caring for a total stranger. We don't have to wash their faces with kisses, but maybe a smile or kind words. Compliments are way underrated. They cost nothing and can mean the world to the receiver.
I've lost life-long friendships to the pathetic political pissiness, and at this stage of my life it tells me just how feeble those friendships were in the first place. So, if we have friends and family who care about us, let's press the love button before it's too late. It sounds like I'm on one of my rants, and I guess I am. If I leave nothing behind after my last breath, let it be that I was a lover and not a fighter. People these days aren't only fighting, they're killing each other. That's a wrong that we all are responsible to right.
On to the boyfriend's garden. Here's one picture of yesterday's picking.
We're incorporating tomatoes in our meals and eating the babies as snacks. We've frozen some for winter use. Don't want to let one of these beauties go to waste.
As a fun ending for today's post, I share a photo received from Robin. This picture is of the mammoth sunflower that's adorning their garden. I personally have never seen anything like it.

There are so many things in life that help reset our internal compass, and genuine bits of Mother Nature rank high. Thank you, Robin, for bringing a smile to my face. Along the way, we simply must hold on best we can, to ourselves and each other. Sometimes the biggest things are the smallest things. Life is not a glamorous gig like the movies want us to believe. It's an unpaved road through the wilderness. It matters not one iota how much we own, what we look like, or where we live. Earth is earth. Life is life. Remove the clothes from the richest person on earth. Remove the clothes from the homeless person living under a cardboard box. Give them both a few days out in the elements, and there's no way to tell the difference. None. Fancy words mean nothing. Fancy clothes mean nothing. It all boils down to one thing: