Monday, February 24, 2025


The Seahorse is the only fish species that can hold onto your hand.  Yup, they use their monkey-like tails to hold onto things.  This helps them from being pushed around by the sea currents.  This is interpreted as a spiritual reminder to remain grounded, even when the world around us feels like a turbulent ocean.

It is also one of the few species in the animal kingdom that form lifelong pair bonds.  Once they find their soulmate, they stick together no matter what.  It's said that if a mate dies, the other seahorse soon dies.  They can't live without one another.

These small un-fish-like creatures are actually fish and quite the romantic underwater creatures.  When two lovers meet and greet each other in a nose-to-nose embrace, they  twist their tails together and dance by swinging and encircling each other.

Seahorse is named for the shape of its head that looks like the head of a tiny horse.  Even though they live in water, they're poor swimmers.  They are masters of camouflage, tho, which means they can change their color to orange, red, yellow, green, pink and brown, even with dots and stripes.  They do this mainly to hide from predators.

Hang onto your hats.....male seahorses are responsible for pregnancy and childbirth.  They carry the eggs in a pouch on their underside 'til they hatch.  Seahorses eat almost constantly because they have no teeth or stomachs.  They suck food through their snouts like a vacuum cleaner.

There are some 50 different recognized species of seahorses.  They're all similar in appearance and camouflage behaviors.  

Once seahorses wrap their tail around something, they will not give up.  This makes them the ideal symbol of persistence and deep commitment.  Seahorses remind us of the importance of someone to rely on when the waves of life get too rough.  Ancient sea lore depicts the Seahorse as the protector of sailors.  

Up until my research about this odd sea creature, I admit to not really liking them.  Goes to show the more we know about something, the better.  Learning one new thing every day keeps us mentally flexible.  

In a world of fish, be a seahorse and navigate through life's currents with the grace of a seahorse in a coral reef!