Today I resume writing my everyday posts, leaving behind the adventure in art from an interesting time in history. Oh, one day I shall get another urge to explore the art world and find an artist that represents another era. Cubism is definitely a world of its own, would you agree?
The end-of-year holidays are getting closer by the day. Next week we celebrate Thanksgiving. The older one gets, the more one is appreciative for all things that make life a joyous journey. In this edition of the Venny newsletter, I listed 90 of the things that I consider most important in my life. It's a challenge I'd toss out to my readers. Once I got started, and 90 filled the 2-column page, I could've kept going.
Yesterday I saw something interesting on Facebook. The idea was to take a jar, and each time something positive happens during the coming year, write it down on a piece of paper, fold the paper up, and put it in the jar. At the end of the year, take out each paper and remind oneself of all the good that's happened.
We aren't exactly in the most grateful time in history. With generations who feel "entitled," that takes away from the idea of being thankful. They expect everything, and they're very easily disappointed. They don't know how to cope with a life that doesn't rain down fun and games onto them. Boy, that's light years from our era. To this day, I find myself silently praying 'thank you.'
Since my last everyday post, we've had our first light snowfall. We sat here and watched the first flakes slowly float to the ground. At first, the flakes were countable as they fell, but soon picked up and whitened the ground. Joy to my world now that I'm able to remain in the audience. It's that business of making the most of each stage of being alive. Heaven knows, there's enough craziness going on around us, we might as well find our little happy places.
We also had a G-clan and what's left of the B-clan over for a birthday pizza party celebrating four birthdays in late October and early November. A traditional surprise cool whip smear took place, making it another memory for the album.
Sadly, Dale's Auntie Jane passed away at age 103. What a lady! Like I said, the family anchor has been pulled from the waters.
The boyfriend and I put icicle lights on our deck railing. Wanted to get that done while the weather was nice. When darkness sets in, the lights are pretty and add yet another tier of glitter to our home at Venny. We're not sure how much decorating we'll do for Christmas, but me thinks it will be minimal. We'll see.
I ordered a book on eBay that I'm itching to get at. The title is, "The Echo of Old Books" authored by Barbara Davis. Book titles are important. I'm greatly intrigued by them, like this one. It's a 400+ page read, and that's the best kind. The more pages in a book, the better the book feels in my hands. Modern Kindles and other technical forms of reading just can't ever replicate the feel of an old-fashioned paper page book. There are many readers who'll agree.
It's good to be back from our art study. With a new season opening up, and the holidays presenting their traditions and celebrations, there's always something new to write about. It's not like we're out gadding about like we used to do, but the little things are so much more meaningful and enjoyable now. Life is served to us in courses. One might say that we're now having our dessert.