Monday, November 25, 2024


Awoke to snow flakes floating in the air.....then melting as they hit the ground.  Tis another overcast day, temperature now is 37 degrees.  

Thanksgiving week is here.  Our commercialized world is putting the focus on Black Friday, which falls on November 29th this year.  Originally, Black Friday was a 1-day event, but has grown to at least 4 days of deals starting on Friday through the weekend until the arrival of Cyber Monday.  That's the day there tends to be better deals online than in stores.  It's an e-commerce term.  Items purchased on Cyber Monday are electronics, toys, computers, clothing, furniture, tv's, appliances and sporting goods. 

It's no wonder the world feels foreign to me.....the little girl raised by parents who lived through the Great Depression.  From little on, I was taught to count and to save my pennies, was told that pennies make dollars, and that a fool and his money are soon parted.  Fast forward to today, and I have zero-tolerance for the shopping chaos that spews forth starting the day after Thanksgiving.  

This is where I show my true self.....with dignity.  Gifts used to be things we needed or wanted but couldn't have.  We had so little that all gifts brought us the ticklish feeling of happiness.  Not today.  Gifting is on overload, nothing is good enough, and nothing is appreciated.  Some years back, gifting stopped in our families.  The focus went more toward getting together and maybe exchanging silly gifts, where we made the gift exchange a silly game.  When I see a shopping cart filled with boxes of toys, appliances  and mothers screaming at their kids in Walmart, well, I just want to go in the bathroom and throw up.  I ain't gonna sugar coat the insanity.

The only gifts I give are homemade by me and/or my boyfriend.  Today's young people consider homemade presents to be Scrooge-like.  So be it.  I can only hope that there will come a day when karma will take over the game of give-and-take.  Corporate greed has hood-winked our society at every turn.  The new world makes me appreciate my childhood even more.  I'd rather give a puppy a bag of treats than give a child a TV or cell phone. 

Our December calendar is looking like it will be a busy month.  I have a return appointment to the surgeon who recently worked on me.  At that time I'll find out if another surgery is necessary.  I'm feeling like it will be, by how things are shaping up.  Then I have a regular 6-month checkup with my regular doctor.  Both of us try our best to be as healthy as we can.  We owe that to ourselves.

Tis just about lunch time.  Spent a good share of the morning working online word games.  Still haven't started reading the book I ordered on eBay.  Maybe this afternoon that can happen.  There oughta be CA meetings (Computers Anonymous) for those of us who spend hours and hours with our fingers dancing on the keyboards.  Sometimes I think how I've worked the souls out of my ten little fingers over the years.  Migod, one thumb joint has been replaced, carpal tunnel repaired, and the other thumb acts up along with the barometer.  My hands and my fingers are among my Thanksgiving blessings that I give almighty thanks for.  I'm old-fashioned.  I give thanks for what really matters rather than wanting more stuff that matters not at all.