Winter Landscape - 1811 |
The same year, 1811, Friedrich painted a companion piece showing a contradictory sequence to the first painting.
Winter Landscape with Church - 1811 |
Winter Landscape - 1811 |
The same year, 1811, Friedrich painted a companion piece showing a contradictory sequence to the first painting.
Winter Landscape with Church - 1811 |
Often I feel like I live in the minority.....with the way I think about things, feel about things and my responses thereto.
I love winter, and I don't move away from it. Rather, I embrace all aspects of the season....from the phenomenon of white flakes falling to the ground, to the snowmen we built, to the snow tunnels of childhood, the holidays, warm and sustaining foods, and most of all, the ambiance of a lit fireplace. Oh, I know, travel can be a bugger in winter. In bad weather, we stay put.....retirement affords us the freedom to choose ourselves what to do and what not to do. To us, retirement is the concept of not having a boss.
With that said, I've decided to focus my blogging from now until the end of the year on how famous artists have presented winter in their works. We'll venture back to different periods of history, artists and approaches. As of this moment, I've not searched for today's painting. Writing my daily posts requires time, and it's my intention to use up hours of my day to expand my mind's perspective.
SNOW SCENE AT ARGENTEUIL (suburb of Paris) Claude Monet
The winter of 1874-5 was exceptionally snowy in France, which inspired Claude Monet to paint 18 views of Argenteuil covered in snow. The painting we'll focus on today is the scene on the boulevard Saint-Denis where he was living. It shows the boulevard running toward the River Seine, looking away from the railway station.....
In this scene, Monet has devoted large parts of the canvas to blue and grey tones, with smaller strokes of green, yellow, red and darker blues to break up those large parts. He painted ruts in the snow, leading toward the vanishing point in the center. This gives a sense of perspective and depth. Those of us who grew up in the 1950s and 60s remember heavy snowfalls and getting stuck with our cars. We've studied enough to recognize other interesting elements in the painting, like the people who are out walking and stopping to visit. The trees on both sides balance the composition. This painting is considered a classic example of Impressionism......Monet captured the fleeting quality of light and atmosphere in a natural scene as he saw it at the moment.Why do I love snow and wintertime? Because I see Nature's unfathomable ability to transform the earth from dark and dreary into a blanket of white. To me, it's like the old-fashioned magic slate. Beyond that, the Sun creates sparkle and glitter that quiets a place to a serene sense of wonder and tranquility. Delicate ice crystals reflect light in a way that can't help but excite our curiosity and need to see beautiful things in this life. To me, Nature is a therapist, available to us at zero monetary expense. Winter is the time of year when freezing temperatures pull us indoors with one another. The only season that affords us "coziness" is winter. Summer does the opposite. Nothing remains closer to my soul than the memory of our walks in the woods in the winter, where we trudged through a fresh snowfall to our cabin. Parkas and snow boots, walking sticks and mittens.
I've always been drawn to the fluffy feel of fresh snow, kicking snow with my boots as I was the first to make tracks in it. For me to move away from winter just couldn't happen. For the two of us, retirement is wonderful because we can stay cozy and safe, while watching the flakes fall, and with heavy winds, build drifts that block major highways and close airports. It's kinda like the Almighty puts out His hands and puts a stop to human busy-ness.
There are millions of shoppers packing the stores today, Black Friday. To me, consumerism separates people from their senses. And, there are equal arguments in favor of shopping and spending and being stirred into the Black Friday stew. Are there actually sales? Or, does this one day magnify the over-pricing and gouging that has become the norm? The only money saved is the money that isn't spent.
Tomorrow we'll see how another artist painted winter.
Gathering Nets, Lyme Regis (a town in England) by Edward Morgan |
Riverside Bewdley (a town in Worcestershire, England) by Morgan |
Two Fishermen by Morgan |
Awoke to snow flakes floating in the air.....then melting as they hit the ground. Tis another overcast day, temperature now is 37 degrees.
It's no wonder the world feels foreign to me.....the little girl raised by parents who lived through the Great Depression. From little on, I was taught to count and to save my pennies, was told that pennies make dollars, and that a fool and his money are soon parted. Fast forward to today, and I have zero-tolerance for the shopping chaos that spews forth starting the day after Thanksgiving.
This is where I show my true self.....with dignity. Gifts used to be things we needed or wanted but couldn't have. We had so little that all gifts brought us the ticklish feeling of happiness. Not today. Gifting is on overload, nothing is good enough, and nothing is appreciated. Some years back, gifting stopped in our families. The focus went more toward getting together and maybe exchanging silly gifts, where we made the gift exchange a silly game. When I see a shopping cart filled with boxes of toys, appliances and mothers screaming at their kids in Walmart, well, I just want to go in the bathroom and throw up. I ain't gonna sugar coat the insanity.
The only gifts I give are homemade by me and/or my boyfriend. Today's young people consider homemade presents to be Scrooge-like. So be it. I can only hope that there will come a day when karma will take over the game of give-and-take. Corporate greed has hood-winked our society at every turn. The new world makes me appreciate my childhood even more. I'd rather give a puppy a bag of treats than give a child a TV or cell phone.
Our December calendar is looking like it will be a busy month. I have a return appointment to the surgeon who recently worked on me. At that time I'll find out if another surgery is necessary. I'm feeling like it will be, by how things are shaping up. Then I have a regular 6-month checkup with my regular doctor. Both of us try our best to be as healthy as we can. We owe that to ourselves.
Tis just about lunch time. Spent a good share of the morning working online word games. Still haven't started reading the book I ordered on eBay. Maybe this afternoon that can happen. There oughta be CA meetings (Computers Anonymous) for those of us who spend hours and hours with our fingers dancing on the keyboards. Sometimes I think how I've worked the souls out of my ten little fingers over the years. Migod, one thumb joint has been replaced, carpal tunnel repaired, and the other thumb acts up along with the barometer. My hands and my fingers are among my Thanksgiving blessings that I give almighty thanks for. I'm old-fashioned. I give thanks for what really matters rather than wanting more stuff that matters not at all.
Yesterday we replenished the 'larder.' That's an old-fashioned word for a cabinet where food is kept. Before refrigeration, the term described the practice of covering meat in lard (animal fat) to preserve it. The modern word is 'pantry.'
Our groceries were johnny-on-the-spot ready for pick-up at 12:30, and we both took a trolley downtown. A stop at the pharmacy replenished my meds for three months. It's unheard of for us to simply drive from home to our destination and right back home. Never ever happened in all the years with the boyfriend behind the wheel. We're still cruising around, checking out neighborhoods, new homes being built, old homes that have provided shelter until they can't withstand the weight of the world.
(example) |
The exterior of a home is like an artist's canvas.....a way for the owners to make a statement about their sense of style. The level of maintenance speaks to their pride in ownership. The color of a home suggests a preference for classic or modernistic. The front yard of a double-condo down the street from us had a glorious assortment of flowers blossoming most of the summer. Every time we drove by, I heard myself comment about how pretty they were. Homeowners have the opportunity to make our world more beautiful without even thinking about it. One small ornament can decorate someone's world.
Now that the boyfriend and I have transitioned to Venny and retired from work.....not life....we feel we've earned the luxury of watching others mow the lawn, clear snow off the sidewalks, wash the windows, and more. I enjoy watching the younger generations enter the stage where home-ownership is a financial possibility. Looking back, we realize now just how much work and money it takes to own and maintain a property. The last straw for us...when we were selling our house...was the unexpected flooding of the creek that ran through the back of our property. Migod, the tears I cried thinking the sale would fall through. But, the young buyer's perspective showed us the shining light of youth and its optimism. Yup, retirement often gets a bad wrap, but with a positive outlook, it is the chance to enjoy life the way one chooses. It's that business of perspective. We can look forward, or we can look backward. Personally, I'm really tired of the past and rather look ahead to a blank page.
Tis an overcast Sunday where we live, there's pomegranates waiting to be devoured, and no have-tos. Some people are depressed on cloudy days, but we look at them as cozy-in days where we can look out the window and let the world go by. They say life is a story....might as well make it a best-seller.
Up early this a.m. cuz I went to bed at 9:30 last night.....totally not the usual me. Must've worn my brain out watching movies and detective interrogations. It never ceases to amaze me how people blatantly refuse to tell the truth right down to the last minute. I've watched enough to recognize the detective's approach to their questioning and how they sometimes leave the room and return, taking a whole different approach. Many times the second round is more confrontational. That's the part that's interesting.
Have been playing the online word game Word Hunt on USA Today. This morning I reached level 1,700. The game is fun because it starts up where one leaves off. I've played this on and off for quite some time, and so far I've not been beaten. What did people our age do before computers? Sadly, there are those who choose not to touch them. Like everything else there are negatives to the new online world, but like everything else, a person has to be cautious.
There's nothing too eventful about our day. A sweet Saturday to savor.
Still Life with a Bottle of Rum - 1911 |
This painting is a series of brown, yellow and black tones arranged in a chaotic geometry.
One is hard-pressed to see the bottle of rum. In the upper center of the picture are what seem to be the neck and opening of a bottle. Spidery black lines to the left of it may denote sheet music, and the round shape lower down, the base of a glass. In the center, at the far right, is the pointed spout of a Spanish wine bottle.
Notice how Picasso included letters in this painting. It's been suggested that the ones shown on the left, LETR refer to LeTorero, the magazine for bullfighting fans (Picasso being one of them) but they might simply be a pun on letter, French for 'word.' Other critics suggest the letters refer to the town of Ceret. Picasso was known for his use of letters and words in his work, and for his dyslexia, which may have influenced his work. People with dyslexia silently suffer with reading. It only makes sense that he would incorporate letters in his work that reflect his personal struggle.
We're going to have to use our wildest imagination here to see Picasso's own face staring out of the canvas at us. Do you see the eye? Right above the eye is his well-known hair-style crossing his forehead crossing his forehead. (close-up to right)Woman in a Hat With Flowers - 1944 |
In 1927, Picasso met Marie-Therese Walter, a 17-year-old French schoolgirl, who became his mistress. No other woman is more intricately woven into the fabric of his art.
Reading at a Table - 1934 |
Le Picador (The Bullfighter) |
Picasso's iconic shirt is a Breton-striped shirt, which in 1858 became the official uniform for French seamen in Brittany. Picasso was also a leader in fashion. His Breton striped t-shirt was designed by Coco Chanel. The 21 horizontal stripes represent each of Napoleon's victories.
Cubism is considered to be the first true abstract art style. Initially, Cubism was considered scandalous, because it didn't objectively replicate reality. Instead, it transformed natural shapes into exaggerated geometric ones. One of the first critics of this art style said that it looked like it was made up of cubes. This is what led to the label Cubism.
The cubist painters used very few colors, because they wanted the viewer to concentrate on the shapes. They often used only shades of black, brown, cream, green, blue and grey.
Girl with Mandolin - 1910 |
The model for this picture is a naked female holding a mandolin. The viewer can only see the top part of her body, from thighs to head. The head is turned to the left, which is the viewer's right. We see a profile view of the lady's face as she looks down at her mandolin slightly, which she is holding across the front of her body, apparently playing it. Note that there isn't a single bright color that stands out.
Picasso breaks down the picture into numerous rectangles, cubes, squares and other geometric shapes. He then arranged these different shapes to reveal various parts of her anatomy that would not have been possible to see in a single moment of time and from a single point in space. In other words, it shows multiple points of view in the same painting simultaneously.
Three Musicians |
Picasso paints three musicians made of flat, brightly colored, abstract shapes in a shallow box-like room. The figures represent Picasso and two of his poet friends. Guillaume Apollinaire who died three years earlier, and Max Jacob who had joined a monastery earlier that year. Picasso is the figure wearing the bright diamond patterned suit in the center. The white figure on the left is Apollinaire, and the dark figure of a monk on the right represents Max Jacob. The figure on the left plays the clarinet (cone-shaped head), the figure in the middle (dome shaped head) plays the guitar, and the monk on the right (slanted shaped head) holds sheets of music as he sings.
There's a fourth figure in the painting. One has to really look hard and long to see the brown dog stretched out onto its stomach with its legs facing the left side of the canvas. The dog's back leg touches the white pant leg of the clarinetist. Note the black silhouette of a dog's head with two pointy ears. This could either be the shadow of the first dog or another dog in the background. If I hadn't read the analysis of this painting, there's no way I'd ever have noticed the dog(s). How 'bout you?
Personally, this is not a style of art that appeals to me. However, this is a learning adventure, so we will continue to find out more about the style of the paintings and their artist, Pablo Picasso.
I'll close today's post with a bit of Picasso trivia: While Picasso is best known by his last name, his full name is 25 names long. At his baptism, he was christened as Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiniano Maria de Los Remedios de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Picasso. His long name is a mixture of relatives' and saints' names. Ruiz was his father's surname, Picasso his mother's.
Pablo's family was best known as glovemakers. It was not the occupation a revolutionary artist wanted to be associated with, so he took matters into his own hands. He changed his last name to his mother's maiden name, Picasso.
Pablo Picasso |
Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (The Young Women of Avignon) |
This painting took him nine months to complete. It shows the novelty of Picasso's passion. He created hundreds of sketches to prepare for the final work.
When it was first exhibited in 1916, the painting was considered immoral. The title refers to the red-light district of Avignon Street in Barcelona, Spain, where Picasso frequented prostitutes. The painting depicts five nude or nearly nude prostitutes in a confrontational pose, staring directly at the viewer.
The painting combines different styles and breaks down traditional forms. The female bodies are depicted with angular planes and geometric shapes, and their faces are inspired by African masks and Iberian sculpture. It's an example of how Picasso questioned and transformed accepted art traditions. He rejected the concept that art should copy nature, or that artists should adopt the traditional techniques of perspective and modeling.
The painting is brutally honest with the viewer and doesn't attempt to cover up the gruesome realities of life. Instead of shaping these women into ideal figures of conditioned beauty, Picasso challenges viewers to find the beauty in what is in front of them. Women do not all look one certain way, and every one is uniquely beautiful in their own way. Whether we see these women as beautiful or not, the point is that Picasso has brought raw reality to light in this painting.
Adding to the rawness, Picasso chooses a risky topic. Prostitution is not something that is made to be seen as artistic, and Picasso decided to use prostitutes as his focus here. Through Cubism, he brought a different approach to depicting the human body in art. Often in early art, women were portrayed as delicate symbols of beauty or temptation, but these women are shown in a rough, distorted element and their feminine features are made to be more masculine.
This painting measures 96 inches x 92 inches and is valued at 1.2 billion dollars. It is located at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Two Sisters (On the Terrace) - 1880-81 |
The terrace railing is directly behind them. The horizontal line of the railing moves the figures further into the foreground, placing emphasis on them as the focal point. Over the terrace railing we see shrubbery and foliage with the Seine River behind it. The little girl is holding onto the edge of a basket filled with different colors of woolen balls, which is on a small table. There is a brilliance of colors in this painting.
Notice some boats along the river painted between the gaps of the branches.
There are three points of focus in "Two Sisters." The first is the sharp red color of the older lady's hat. The second focus is the hat of the younger girl depicted with colorful flowers. The third point is the basket of woolen balls of yarn. The painting presents the beauty of spring and youth. The two sisters were in the springtime of their lives. The bright colors enable us to appreciate a harmonious environment.
Did you wonder why Renoir painted the basket of woolen yarn in this picture? It does seem out of place. It was suggested that Renoir placed the yarn there in response to a critic who compared his painting to knitting and described one of his artworks as "a weak sketch seemingly executed in wool of different colors." While this may be true, there may be other reasons why Renoir placed the yarn in this painting. No one really knows what Renoir was thinking at that time.
This painting is located in the Art Institute of Chicago. Two Sisters is a timeless work honoring the beauty of human connection and the simple pleasures of life. It is a beloved work of art that captivates audiences worldwide.
A Girl With a Watering Can - 1876 |
Lucie Berard (Child in White) - 1883 |
The painting of Lucie is located in the Art Institute of Chicago.
Dancing in the Country - 1883 |
Notice the table in the background on the right, the hat on the ground and a pair of faces below the level of the dance floor. See how he incorporates a dish of ice cream and the half-full glass. The woman holds a fan in her right hand and faces the viewer. Does Renoir paint her holding a fan in one hand as if it were a symbol of her independence? She doesn't take off her gloves, which portrays a barrier between her and her partner. Renoir painted her with a full smile, depicting a very happy woman with a mouth curving upward in a pleasing smile. The couple has just finished dinner, rising from their chairs spontaneously to dance to a familiar song, and their spontaneity is shown by the hat dropped in the foreground. It appears that both dancers are lost in their own thoughts. This painting is both romantic and energetic. Don't you just love how Renoir painted the lady's dress?
The lady in this painting would become his future wife. She was a seamstress, a working class girl. Some years later, Renoir revealed to his son that his mother was a wonderful dancer: "Your mother waltzed divinely. I'm afraid I stepped all over her feet."
Let's move on to Dance in the City, the third in Renoir's series of Dancers....
Dancing in the City - 1883 |
There's a shimmering opulence to this scene. The cut of the woman's dress reveals her back and shoulders. Her partner is wearing formal evening wear and the tails of his long coat swish with the movement of the dance. Both the man and woman wear white gloves, which makes the dance a more formal event, making sure that the man's bare hands do not touch the delicate skin of the lady. Compare the clasp of hands to the couple in the Dance at Bougival that we studied yesterday. This latter picture shows the couple with the lightest coupling of hands. The lady's dress is made of white satin or silk taffeta, with lace, organza or chiffon trim around the neck and shoulders. The classical draping and lack of gaudy ornamentation bring out the lady's youthful glow. Her styled hair is graced with a flower.
We must remember that outdoor dancing is much wilder than its ballroom counterpart. In the country, men don't have to put on gloves. The plants, trees and feelings are real. The ballroom type, with its white columns, potted plants, controlled steps and orchestrated music, pales in comparison.
Dance at Bougival (left) is located in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.![]() |
Dance at Bougival - 1883 |
The painting has fine color, with the woman wearing a pink dress and red bonnet, the man wearing a deep blue suit, yellow hat, and his shoes are especially eye-catching. Notice how his shoes match the sash around the lady's waist. Her dress portrays movement as the man leads the lady in playful dance. I especially like the flowing layers of the skirt and how the rows of red trim bring the eye upward. The act of dancing is linked with rhythm and transforming time into motion. One of the most basic motives of dance is the expression of emotion. People often dance as a way of releasing powerful human feelings. A slow dance might stir up heartfelt emotions, while fast and wide movements portray energy and excitement.
To give us some idea of the work that went into this painting, here is a preliminary sketch Renoir made of the couple dancing.....
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Sketch of Dance at Bougival - 1883 |
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The Umbrellas - 1880s |
Pierre-Auguste Renoir's paintings, as we will see, were of friends, family, landscapes and scenes from the parks and gardens of Paris. Let's look for the way he used bold combinations of pure complementary colors to capture light, shadow and movement. Renoir once said, "Why shouldn't art be pretty? There are enough unpleasant things in the world."
The son of a tailor and a seamstress, Renoir had a talent for decorative effect that brought him to the attention of a number of wealthy patrons for whom he painted picture hangings and decorations for ladies' fans and other luxury objects. These early successes fed his desire to leave the ceramic factory and pursue fine art painting.
I am not familiar with Renoir's works, so my aim is to showcase a few of his 4,000 paintings. One of the things about art, as I'm learning, is the way color is used to create the atmosphere of the moment. Blue is the main character in this painting.
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La Balancoire - The Swing - 1876 |
In the summer of 1869, Renoir painted for two months alongside Monet outside Paris. In the mid-1870s Renoir painted Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette, his most important work shown at the Impressionist exhibition in 1877. His aim was to convey the lively atmosphere of this popular outdoor dance garden in Paris.
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Dance at the Moulin de la Galette - 1876 |
The Frog Pond Claude Monet |
The Frog Pond Pierre-Auguste Renoir |
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The Manneporte (Etretat) - 1883 |
From this view, Monet positioned his easel facing west to take advantage of the low illumination of the setting sun. His thick brush strokes describe for us the motion of the choppy waters. Monet painted the Manneporte multiple times.
We learn from Claude Monet that things are not always what they seem. The human eye can be tricked and deceived. A busy street in the morning will look like another street altogether when evening comes. Monet created many paintings of the same subject observed under different weather conditions, different seasons, and different times of the day. He held a fascination for the transitory effects of natural light. It was his goal to immortalize fleeting moments. Nature was his main source of inspiration.
One thing about provides us all with a continuous cycle of changing inspiration and perception. Art is like a universal language that helps us understand and appreciate the world around us in a richer way.
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The Four Trees - 1891 |
Other paintings in this series |
In 1893, Claude Monet, a horticulture enthusiast, purchased land with a pond near his property in Giverny, about 50 miles northwest of Paris, in the Normandy area. He wanted to build something that was pleasing to the eye. The result was his famous water-lily garden. In the summer of 1899, he started painting a series of eighteen views of the wooden footbridge over the pond, completing twelve works.
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The Japanese Footbridge and the Water Lily Pool - 1899 |